Starting an e-commerce store is a significant step towards growing your business online. Hiring a Shopify developer is akin to finding a skilled architect for your brick-and-mortar store. Just as a good architect designs a beautiful, functional space tailored to your needs, an expert Shopify developer can build a stunning online store that perfectly meets your requirements. Hiring a proficient developer or team is a smart move that can set the foundation for your online success. In this article, we will discuss some crucial points to consider before hiring a Shopify developer, ensuring you make an informed decision.

Table of Contents

  1. 10 important points to consider when hiring a Shopify developer
  2. Important factors to consider before hiring a Shopify developer
  3. Why should you hire a Shopify Developer?
  4. Case studies of a successful Shopify Project implementation
  5. Hiring a Shopify developer for your business
  6. Frequently asked questions

10 Important points to consider when hiring a Shopify developer

#1 Create your project document or scope

Creating a comprehensive project document or scope is the first crucial step in hiring a Shopify developer. Begin by detailing the features and functionalities you require for your online store. Clearly outline every aspect, from the design elements and user experience to specific tools and functionalities that will enhance your store’s performance. Identify all necessary integrations, such as CRM systems for customer relationship management, ERP solutions for efficient resource planning, and email marketing apps to streamline your marketing efforts. Being specific about your Shopify features and requirements and the systems you need to integrate will ensure that your developer fully understands your vision and can deliver a tailored solution that meets your business needs.

#2 Decide the level of expertise required and determine the project scale

Deciding the level of expertise required and determining the project scale are vital steps in the process of hiring a Shopify developer. First, assess the specific needs of your project. If you need basic tasks such as installing a theme and configuring payment gateways and shipping options, a developer with moderate experience might required. However, if your project involves more complex requirements like custom app development, advanced API integrations, or ongoing development and maintenance, you’ll need a highly skilled developer with specialized expertise. It’s important to consider not just the immediate needs but also the long-term development and scalability of your project. Ensure that the developer you hire has the capability to meet both your current and future requirements, providing a solid foundation for the growth and evolution of your online store.

#3 Decide your budget

Deciding your budget is a crucial step when planning to hire a Shopify developer. Set a realistic budget for your Shopify store by considering the features, complexity, and desired outcomes of your project. Evaluate the financial resources you can allocate to the development process, ensuring it aligns with your business goals. Decide whether you prefer to hire a developer based on an hourly rate or a fixed price. An hourly rate might be more suitable for projects with flexible or evolving requirements, while a fixed price can provide clear cost expectations for well-defined projects. Carefully balancing your budget with the expertise required will help you find the right developer to bring your e-commerce vision to life.

#4 Prepare a detailed job description

Prepare a detailed job description to hire a Shopify developer. Specify the required experience and skills, such as proficiency in Shopify development, Liquid templating, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and experience with app development and API integration. Clearly state the location from which you plan to hire and the preferred time zone for smooth collaboration. Emphasize the importance of strong communication skills to ensure clear and effective interactions throughout the project. This concise job description will help attract qualified candidates who meet your specific needs and expectations.

#5 Research & shortlist developers

To find the best Shopify developers, use leading online platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, and Turing to browse profiles, read reviews, and assess candidates’ expertise. Additionally, consider dedicated developer hiring companies that specialize in connecting businesses with skilled developers. Utilize Google search to identify reputable Shopify-focused agencies like Seamedia, which can provide a team of developers with a proven track record. This comprehensive approach will help you compile a shortlist of qualified candidates, ensuring you find the right fit for your project needs.

#6 Conduct initial interviews

Before hiring a Shopify developer or team, conduct initial interviews to ensure they possess the expertise you are looking for. Assess their technical skills, experience with Shopify development, and familiarity with the specific requirements of your project. Verify their communication skills to ensure clear and effective collaboration. Additionally, confirm their ability to work within your preferred time zone to facilitate smooth project management and timely updates. This thorough vetting process will help you find a developer who is well-suited to meet your project goals and work seamlessly with your team.

#7 Check references & reviews

To ensure you hire a reliable Shopify developer, ask for project references and request demos of completed projects with similar functionality to yours. This will give you a clear idea of their capabilities and experience. Additionally, check existing customer reviews on platforms like Clutch, GoodFirms, and other review sites. These reviews provide valuable insights into the developer’s reliability, work quality, and client satisfaction. This thorough evaluation process will help you make an informed decision and select the best developer for your project.

#8 Consider trial period

Consider implementing a trial period for the developer. Assign a small task to evaluate their expertise, communication skills, and ability to meet deadlines. This trial period allows you to assess their performance and compatibility with your project requirements. By doing so, you can reduce the risk associated with a long-term commitment, ensuring you hire a developer who is a good fit for your needs. This approach provides a practical way to verify the developer’s skills and reliability before making a long-term investment.

#9 Negotiate Terms and Sign a Contract

Once you have identified and finalized the suitable developer or team, prepare to sign a contract. Draft a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) or a similar contract to ensure confidentiality and security. Include all terms and conditions, covering project scope, timelines, payment schedules, and deliverables to ensure proper project execution. Additionally, specify provisions for future support and maintenance to ensure ongoing assistance after the project is completed. Having a comprehensive contract in place will protect your interests and provide a clear framework for successful collaboration.

#10 Secure Ongoing Support and Maintenance

To ensure your Shopify e-commerce store runs smoothly and remains secure, secure ongoing support from your developer. Request a warranty period during which the developer will address any issues or bugs that arise post-launch. Additionally, ensure the developer commits to keeping your theme and modules updated to the latest versions in the future. This ongoing support will help maintain the performance, security, and functionality of your online store, ensuring long-term success and reliability.

Important factors to consider before hiring a Shopify developer

#1 Experience & Expertise

Ensure the developer you hire possesses the right Shopify skills. They should have extensive knowledge of Shopify’s Liquid templating language, as well as proficiency in CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. Additionally, they should be well-versed in Shopify API integration. Previous experience working on similar Shopify projects is essential, as it demonstrates their ability to handle the specific requirements and challenges of your e-commerce store. By verifying these skills and expertise, you can be confident that the developer can deliver a high-quality, customized Shopify solution.

#2 Reviews & References

To ensure you hire a reliable Shopify developer, ask for existing customer reviews and check their LinkedIn profile for endorsements and recommendations. If you are hiring from a freelance marketplace website, review their ratings and feedback from previous clients. This thorough evaluation will provide insights into their work quality, reliability, and overall performance, helping you make an informed decision.

#3 Portfolio & Certification

Review the developer’s portfolio and existing client list to gauge their experience and capabilities. Look for detailed descriptions of the functionalities they have implemented in past projects to ensure they align with your needs. Additionally, check if the developer holds any certifications in the Shopify platform, which can be an indicator of their expertise and commitment to maintaining high standards. This information will help you assess their qualifications and suitability for your project.

#4 Communication skills & availability

Evaluate the quality of the developer’s communication skills to ensure clear and effective collaboration. Confirm their availability and preferred time zone to align with your project’s needs. Additionally, discuss how many hours they can dedicate to your project each week. Ensuring the developer’s communication skills, availability, and time commitment will help maintain a smooth workflow and timely project completion.

#5 Knowledge in the Shopify Ecosystem

A developer’s knowledge of the Shopify ecosystem is crucial for the success of your e-commerce store. Ensure the developer has comprehensive technical knowledge of Shopify’s platform, including its features, functionalities, and best practices. They should be familiar with Shopify’s Liquid templating language, API integration, and the wide array of apps, plugins, and third-party tools that can enhance your store’s performance. This expertise allows them to recommend and implement the best solutions tailored to your business needs, ensuring a robust and scalable online store.

#6 Knowledge of Best Practices in E-commerce

Ensure the developer has a solid understanding of e-commerce best practices. This includes knowledge of Google Analytics, Tag Manager, and Meta Pixel for tracking and analyzing customer behavior. Additionally, verify their experience with Shopify events and custom behavior tracking to optimize your store’s performance. A developer well-versed in these areas can implement effective strategies to enhance user experience, boost conversions, and provide valuable insights for data-driven decision-making.

#7 Knowledge of Best Practices in SEO

Ensure the developer has a strong knowledge of SEO best practices, including onsite SEO optimization, page optimization, and JavaScript optimization. They should be proficient in implementing techniques to improve your store’s visibility on search engines, such as optimizing meta tags, URL structures, and content for relevant keywords. Their expertise in these areas will help drive organic traffic to your site, enhance user experience, and improve search engine rankings, contributing to the overall success of your e-commerce store.

#8 Cost and Quality Assurance

When hiring a Shopify developer, compare costs from two or more developers or agencies. While evaluating, prioritize quality over price. Ensure the selected developer demonstrates a high standard of work, proven expertise, and a track record of successful projects. Balancing cost with quality assurance will help you invest in a developer who can deliver a superior e-commerce store, providing long-term value for your business.

#9 Security and Upgrade for Ongoing Development

Ensure the developer has implemented proper security measures to protect your store from potential threats. Consider using third-party security and auditing services to conduct thorough security testing and provide expert advice. Additionally, secure a commitment from the developer for ongoing support and future updates, ensuring your store remains secure, up-to-date, and fully functional as your business evolves. This proactive approach will safeguard your e-commerce platform and provide peace of mind.

Why should you hire a Shopify Developer?

Expertise in Shopify platform

A dedicated and skilled developer should possess extensive knowledge of the Shopify ecosystem. With significant experience in the e-commerce sector, they can help you build a solid foundation for your online store. Their professionalism and dedication are crucial for ensuring the success of your project, providing you with a robust, functional, and well-optimized e-commerce platform that meets your business needs. Their expertise will not only streamline the development process but also enhance the overall performance and user experience of your online store.

Some basic job responsibilities of a Shopify developer:

  • Creating and maintaining a good quality e-commerce website using Shopify
  • Theme setup and configuration
  • Theme customization
  • Shipping and payment gateway integration
  • Shopify API Integrations
  • CRM & ERP Integration
  • Installation and configuration of 3rd party apps
  • Complex Tax configuration support
  • Performance optimization

Dedicated Developer Support

Hiring a developer provides you with dedicated support, ensuring your website is consistently monitored and maintained. A dedicated developer will be available to address any issues that arise and offer assistance during critical sales periods. This continuous support ensures your online store operates smoothly, allowing you to focus on other aspects of your business. Therefore, hiring a developer or team is a smarter choice than managing the store yourself, as it guarantees professional oversight and prompt resolution of any technical challenges.

API Integration Support

Depending on the nature of your business, you may need to integrate your online store with various systems such as ERP, CRM, email marketing tools, and online sales tracking tools. An experienced developer can assist with these integrations by:

  1. Utilizing API Expertise: Leveraging their knowledge to seamlessly connect your Shopify store with other platforms via APIs.
  2. Custom App Development: Developing custom applications to ensure smooth and efficient integration with the required APIs.
  3. Enhancing Functionality: Adding functionalities that streamline operations and improve data synchronization across different systems.

By hiring a skilled developer, you can ensure that all necessary integrations are implemented effectively, enhancing the overall performance and functionality of your online store.

Ongoing Support and Maintenance

Ongoing support and maintenance are crucial for running a successful online store. A dedicated developer can assist you in the following areas:

  1. Adding New Features: Continuously enhancing your store with new functionalities to keep it competitive and aligned with market trends.
  2. Fixing Issues: Promptly addressing and resolving any technical issues that arise, ensuring your store remains operational and efficient.
  3. Software Updates: Regularly updating all software components to the latest versions, maintaining security, and improving performance.

Therefore, hiring a dedicated Shopify developer is always a better choice to ensure your online store operates smoothly and evolves with your business needs.

Performance Optimization

An expert developer can significantly enhance your store’s performance, improving user experience and boosting search engine rankings. They should have experience in optimizing performance using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and GTmetrix. Additionally, they should possess a strong understanding of Google Search Console and Google Analytics to identify and promptly address issues. By leveraging their expertise, they can ensure your store loads quickly, operates smoothly, and ranks well in search results, ultimately driving more traffic and increasing customer satisfaction.

if you are new to Shopify and interested in trying Shopify, you can create your free trial Shopify account by clicking here

Case studies of a successful Shopify Project implementation – Migration from Magento to Shopify platform

Bras & Honey Lingerie Limited

Bras & Honey is a UK-based online retailer specializing in women’s innerwear. With offices in the UK and a showroom in the USA, the company focuses on providing lingerie and swimwear for women’s. They prioritize comfort and support without compromising on style and design, ensuring that every piece they offer meets the highest standards of quality and aesthetics.

Business Challenges

  1. Migration from Magento 1.x to Shopify: With the expiration of Magento 1.x and the introduction of Magento 2.x, Bras & Honey’s existing platform needs to migrate to a new platform. After thorough research and coordination with the client, we determined that Shopify was the best-suited platform for their needs.
  2. Multichannel Implementation: Bras & Honey sells products through various channels, including Amazon, eBay, and their website. A critical challenge was to ensure seamless stock and order synchronization across all these channels to maintain efficient operations and customer satisfaction.
  3. SEO Ranking: Having been in business for many years, Bras & Honey has achieved strong SEO rankings with thousands of indexed pages. It was essential to ensure a smooth migration process that would not disrupt their existing SEO performance, preserving their online visibility and search engine rankings.
  4. PCI Compliance and Security: Ensuring the security and protection of customer data was a top priority. The migration needed to adhere to PCI compliance standards, safeguard sensitive information, and maintain the trust of Bras & Honey’s customers.

Solutions Provided by Seamedia

  1. New Shopify Website UX Design and Theme Customization: Moving to a new platform gave the client the opportunity to redesign their existing UI. We created a fresh, modern UI for all pages and customized it on the latest Shopify theme. Additionally, we integrated all marketing channels seamlessly into the new design.
  2. Attribute Configuration: We meticulously configured product attributes and categories to ensure ease of navigation, efficient search functionality, and effective product filtering, enhancing the overall user experience.
  3. Data Migration: We managed the smooth migration of all products and customer data, ensuring no loss of information. This included importing all products with complete details, including images, to maintain consistency and accuracy.
  4. Payment and Shipping Integration: We integrated a reliable payment gateway and configured complex shipping options, ensuring a seamless checkout process for customers.
  5. Multichannel Integration with VoloCommerce: We facilitated the integration with VoloCommerce to synchronize stock and orders across multiple sales channels, including Amazon, eBay, and the client’s website, ensuring efficient multichannel operations.

Result and Impact

The migration to Shopify brought significant benefits to Bras & Honey:

  1. Increased Customer Experience: The new UX design and theme customization enhanced the overall shopping experience, making it more intuitive and visually appealing for customers.
  2. Improved Sales: The seamless integration of marketing channels and improved website functionality contributed to an increase in sales, reflecting a positive impact on the business’s bottom line.
  3. Ease of Operation: The efficient attribute configuration and multichannel integration simplified the management of products and orders, making day-to-day operations smoother and more efficient.
  4. Enhanced Security and Maintenance: The new platform ensured better security measures and easier maintenance, providing peace of mind and a stable foundation for future growth.

Hiring a Shopify Developer for your Business

Hiring a Shopify developer is a crucial decision for any business. It requires careful consideration of various factors, including experience, quality, communication, and cost. Additionally, businesses should take into account all the factors mentioned in this article to ensure successful collaboration with a skilled professional. By making an informed choice, you can leverage the expertise of a proficient Shopify developer to enhance your online store and drive business growth.

Seamedia developers offer extensive customization abilities and technical expertise to help develop and run your Shopify store smoothly. Our team ensures a hassle-free experience by managing and supporting all aspects of your online store, allowing you to focus on growing your business without any headaches. With Seamedia, you can rely on skilled professionals to deliver a high-performing, customized e-commerce solution tailored to your needs.


  1. How do I find a Shopify developer to develop and maintain my e-commerce store?
    • To find a skilled Shopify developer, use platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer, and Turing, or search for Shopify-focused agencies. Check their portfolios, reviews, and client testimonials to ensure they have the necessary expertise and experience.
  2. What ongoing support is available after migrating from any platform to Shopify?
    • After migration, ongoing support includes adding new features, fixing issues, updating software to the latest versions, and ensuring seamless integrations. This support helps maintain your store’s performance and security.
  3. What level of technical expertise should I expect from Shopify developers?
    • Expect Shopify developers to have expertise in the Shopify ecosystem, including proficiency in Liquid templating, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and experience with app development and API integration. They should also be skilled in SEO and performance optimization.
  4. What third-party services can be integrated with my Shopify store?
    • Third-party services that can be integrated with your Shopify store include CRM systems, ERP solutions, email marketing tools, payment gateways, shipping providers, and sales tracking tools. These integrations enhance your store’s functionality and streamline operations.
  5. Can I expect support from Seamedia developers after the development phases?
    • Yes, Seamedia developers provide ongoing support even after the development phases. This includes regular updates, troubleshooting, and adding new features to ensure your store remains competitive and efficient.
  6. What measures should you take to protect your Shopify website?
    • To protect your Shopify website, ensure regular software updates, implement strong security measures, use SSL certificates, maintain PCI compliance, and regularly back up your data. Additionally, choose reliable developers who prioritize security and data protection.


Hiring the right Shopify developer is a critical step in ensuring the success and growth of your e-commerce business. By considering factors such as expertise, communication skills, cost, and ongoing support, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your business needs. The migration to Shopify, along with efficient multichannel integration and performance optimization, can significantly enhance your store’s functionality and customer experience. With the dedicated support of a skilled developer, you can focus on scaling your business while enjoying a secure, well-maintained, and high-performing online store. Seamedia is here to provide the expertise and support you need to achieve your e-commerce goals.

How Seamedia Can Help You?

Seamedia is your trusted partner for all your Shopify development needs. With a team of certified experts, we provide tailored solutions to create, migrate, and optimize your e-commerce store. From custom theme design and app development to seamless platform migrations and multichannel integrations, we ensure your online store operates efficiently and effectively. Our commitment to ongoing support and maintenance guarantees that your store remains secure, up-to-date, and competitive. Let Seamedia handle the technical complexities, so you can focus on growing your business and achieving your e-commerce goals. if you have any Shopify requirements please contact us today.