The product page is the fundamental thing that helps the customer to decide whether to buy or not buy the product from an e-commerce website. Web components that are available in an e-commerce website and its importance are identified below.

  • Product detail Product detail contains a complete description of the product like its physical description, technical description and features.Importance: Customer wishes to know in depth about the product before buying it. They are expecting more information from product page than manufactures description of the product.

Here is an example for product description of a tablet in the website

  • Product Images Product image will contain more than one image of the product and a tool to zoom in to the picture.Importance: Some customers may not wish to go through all the details given in product description; they make the decision by seeing the product in a detailed manner.

Product image with zoom in option available in homeshope18 website shown below.

  • Product options Product option contain in what ever size the product available, what ever colour the product available etc.Importance: This tool will help the customer to choose the right product for their needs. For example, see below the product option tool in website.
  • Product informationProduct information is different from the product description. Product information include the price of the product, availability of the product, payment methods available, return policy of the product and delivery options.Importance: The product description and product images will entice the customer to purchase the product. When they wish to buy the product next thing the customer looking for is product information whether there is any reduction in price, whether cash on delivery is available, whether delivery is available in their region etc. Given below is an example of product information available on
  • ‘Addto’ button There are three common add to buttons available in an e-commerce website. They are Add to cart, Add to wish list and Add to compare.Importance: Add to cart button will help the visitor buy the product from product page itself. If the user is not willing to buy the product now he may wish to save the product for buying in the future, add to wish list button is a blessing for this. There may be different variations of the same type of product is available and a user may wish to compare them. Add to compare will help the visitor to compare the product and make a decision.
  • User generated contentThese contents include tools such as product rating, comments, social information etc.Importance: It’s the common nature of the human being is that gather others opinion before making a decision. Product rating, comments and social information like who else bought the product will help for swift decision making. User rating and review option available on are given below.
  • Trust marks and social buttonsTrust marks will make the user to feel that making payments and buying product from the website is safer and trustworthy. Social buttons like Facebook shares will help you to improve your business because if a customer like your product, he may like to share it with his friends and social buttons are needed for this. Trust marks listed in homeshope18 website are shown below.
  • Similar items and supported accessoriesSome e-commerce websites used to show similar type of products and supported accessories of the product in a product page. These tools are very helping fuel for the buyer and on the other side, it enhances the business of e-commerce website. Some examples from are shown below.